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Ever since I was a little boy growing up in southern Indiana I’ve enjoyed being out in nature. I was also very fortunate to have grandparents who lived in Oregon and would have us visit every summer. At that time we travelled by train and I loved seeing the west through the windows of a Pullman car while listening to the rhythm of the rails. When my grandfather died my grandmother settled in their beach house in Yachats. I could and would sit by the ocean for hours just soaking up its majesty.
I got into photography mostly to record my sons growing up. My first SLR was a Minolta SRT 102 that I bought because it was on sale and I had a charge card with the store that sold it. Over the years I upgraded a time or two and stayed with Minolta when I had to upgrade to autofocus. By then the kids were growing and I started shooting things that don’t talk back. I currently have a stable of Minolta lenses and a couple of Sony DSLRs that have allowed me to grow immensely in the past two or three years. Being involved with NPN has been the single most significant factor in my growth as a photographer.
My first love is still the grand landscape but there is precious little of that near Houston. I evolved into a Flora and Macro shooter out of necessity and convenience. I love that I can walk less than 100 feet out my front door and have something fun to shoot. Having a wife who is a master gardener comes in handy too.
Much of my photography is spiritually inspired. I see the handiwork of God every time I look through a viewfinder whether it be a sunrise in the mountains or the incredible detail in a butterfly wing. Our website www.sdgimages.com is primarily a showcase venue designed Soli Deo Gloria - to God Alone Be the Glory. He has given me eyes to see the beauty of His creation and it is my pleasure to share it through my images.